2-Day Safeguard Training for training of Trainers in Bauchi

2-Day Safeguard Training for training of Trainers in Bauchi

Safety can be a major barrier to school/ center attendance and to learning, so it is important to do everything possible to make and keep schools/centers as safe, secure, and protective as possible. The objective is to create awareness to LGEA Safeguard Regulating Team to actively participate and make positive action that will improve quality and safe environment for pupils/learners as well as teachers. Increase community participation using local ways and resources to encourage safety and sexual abuse free environment of pupils/learners, and find solutions to overcome any danger that may arise.

The 2-Day workshop focuses on areas where Education secretaries, Guidance and counselors, head teachers/ center managers, teachers and learning facilitator, SBMCs/CBMCs, and other community structures can make a difference.

Aspects of safety to be addressed at the workshop includes:
• Promoting Pupils/learners’ physical health: including providing access to water and toilets and a system for disposing of waste.
• Protecting children and youth: including respecting their rights and needs; addressing discipline in healthy ways; reducing bullying; and ensuring protection from sexual harassment and abuse.
• Reducing risk from disasters and conflict: including making sure that buildings and learning spaces are not dangerous, securing the school/ center grounds with a perimeter fence where possible, developing and using evacuation and other emergency plans and having a first aid kit to address urgent needs.



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