
Activities of Bauchi BEDSA


The programme, overseen by the Federal Ministry of Education, focuses on addressing literacy issues, out-of-school children, and strengthening education systems. As part of the BESDA program, the center establishment exercise is implemented to support the post-literacy program, which aims to enhance literacy rates and provide marketable skills to out-of-school children and other learners in Bauchi state. 
Overall, BESDA seeks to tackle the barriers to education in Nigeria through a comprehensive approach that addresses both enrollment and quality of education, particularly targeting marginalized and vulnerable populations.

Below are some of the activities of Bauchi BEDSA:

Training of enumerators on center establishment is part of the broader implementation of the post-literacy program. The data collected by the trained enumerators will contribute to informed decision-making and the implementation of effective educational interventions.

Post-literacy program, which aims to enhance literacy rates and provide access to marketable trades for out-of-school children and other learners in Bauchi state.

The objective of the mapping exercise was to identify communities with a high number of basic literacy learners and out-of-school children for the establishment of post-literacy centers.

 Training education administrators and officials at various levels to effectively manage and coordinate BESDA activities.

BESDA conducts awareness campaigns to engage communities and parents, emphasizing the importance of education and encouraging them to send their children to school.

Efforts are made to improve and expand school infrastructure, including classrooms, furniture, and sanitation facilities, to accommodate more students.

BESDA aims to recruit and train teachers, especially in areas with high numbers of out-of-school children, to ensure quality education delivery.

The Team worked with the last NEI plus master trainers on the development of the Learning Facilitators Training manual. The Team also developed the scheme of work for the 5 subjects.