Bauchi BESDA

About Bauchi BESDA


The Better Education Service Delivery for All (BESDA) program, is a collaboration with the Bauchi State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and supported by the World Bank. 
The Focal LGAs for implementation of BESDA in Bauchi State are:
Alkaleri; Bauchi; Dambam; Darazo; Dass; Gamawa; Ganjuwa; Giade; Itas Gadau; Jamaare; Katagum; Misau; Ningi; Shira; Toro and Zaki.

BESDA Implementation in Bauchi State

The implementation of BESDA rests with the various State Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBEBs) as contained in the UBE Act, 2004. Section 11 (3) of the Act provides “the administration and disbursement of funds shall be through the State Universal Basic Education Board”.

The Better Education Service Delivery for All (BESDA) program, in collaboration with the Bauchi State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and supported by the World Bank, aims to improve literacy rates, and increase access to education for out-of-school children in Bauchi state. The project, overseen by the Federal Ministry of Education, focuses on addressing literacy issues, out-of-school children, and strengthening education systems. The focal LGAs for implementation of BESDA in Bauchi State are: Alkaleri; Bauchi; Dambam; Darazo; Dass; Gamawa; Ganjuwa; Giade; Itas Gadau; Jamaare; Katagum; Misau; Ningi; Shira; Toro and Zaki.

Activities of BESDA in Bauchi State

The Better Education Service Delivery for All (BESDA) initiative in Bauchi State, Nigeria, typically involves a range of activities aimed at improving access to quality basic education. While specific activities can vary based on local needs and priorities, here are some common activities :

1. Identification and Enrollment of Out-of-School Children: Conducting surveys and outreach activities to identify children who are out of school and facilitating their enrollment in formal education.

2. Teacher Recruitment and Training: Recruiting qualified teachers, especially in underserved areas, and providing them with training to enhance their teaching skills and pedagogical techniques.

3. Improvement of School Infrastructure: Renovating and upgrading school buildings, classrooms, toilets, and providing basic amenities like water supply and electricity where necessary.

4. Provision of Teaching and Learning Materials: Supplying textbooks, writing materials, and other instructional materials to schools to support effective teaching and learning.

5. Community Mobilization and Sensitization: Engaging community leaders, parents, and guardians to advocate for and support children's education, addressing cultural barriers or misconceptions that may hinder school enrollment.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the progress and impact of BESDA interventions to ensure accountability and effectiveness.

7. Support for Girl Child Education: Implementing specific initiatives to encourage and support girls' enrollment and retention in schools, including providing sanitary facilities and addressing gender-specific barriers.

8. Special Needs Education: Ensuring that children with disabilities and special needs have access to inclusive education opportunities and appropriate support services.

9. Capacity Building for Education Officials: Training education administrators and officials at various levels to effectively manage and coordinate BESDA activities.

10. Advocacy and Policy Support: Advocating for policies and reforms that promote universal access to quality education, including collaborating with relevant government agencies and stakeholders.


Alha. Adamu Muhammad Duguri - Chairman, Bauchi State SUBEB
Learning Centres
Teachers Recruited
Children Enrolled
Toilets Constructed